Sunday, January 09, 2005

Getting Started

Nowhere else to start but to thank you, my dear friends and family, for finding your way here, for being interested in my glorious adventure, and for all you have done to make it possible. You have listened to hours of dreaming about, encouraged, supported, enabled and celebrated this my second voyage around the world. I hope to reward you here with tales worthy of the telling, vicarious adventures to excite your imagination, some darn near instant photos, and maybe a thoughtful insight or two.

My familiarity with this medium is minutes old as I write. I'm sure I'll get better at it but it's way fun so far. In the beginning I'll send an email when I update so you'll know when to check back here. A neat feature of this is that you can read as much or as little as you have time and interest for with no downloading, saving or searching for my last missive.

I'd appreciate it if you'd forward the link on to anyone who may be interested whom I might have left off the original list. I made it short to avoid presuming interest but please welcome here anyone you'd like. I did not give Blogger permission to publish this blog publicly so it's sort of by invitation only.

With the help of my good friend Elizabeth, I've plotted out and timed a To Do list that gets everything done by Thursday when I leave for Seattle. I'll get a DaveandKatie's eye view of their exciting new city then we all leave for Vancouver for a weekend explore. Dave will hang around until Tuesday when the ship sails. It will be so exciting to have him actually see the ship and my cabin, meet the new friends I've already made on the message board, and bestow on me one of his world class hugs as we say goodbye on the dock. It's hard to explain what that will mean to me and I'm so grateful. He's cutting more than one Washington bar review class, a significant sacrifice I appreciate a lot. But then we all know Dave - not too worried are we?

So check back often and don't forget to leave your comments. This is going to be way fun!!

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